<p>The following is the second installment of our Loop Letters series, an interview with</p><p>Tracy Osborn</p><p>.</p><p>Tracy is the author of</p><p>Hello Web App</p><p>, a book to help designers and non-programmers get up and running with Python and …</p>
<p>We recently decided to the start a semi weekly written interview series of the humans behind programming, Loop Letters. What motivates these individuals? What sort of team culture are they working in? What hobbies are they good at? What hobbies …</p>
<p>I received an email recently asking for assistance with an SVG icon issue. The individual explained that he was working with</p><p>a lot</p><p>of icons (about 300, which I would say qualifies as a “system”) as images and wondering if …</p>
<p>Flexbox is everywhere right now. Well,</p><p>talk</p><p>of flexbox is everywhere, not so much its implementation just yet. We have been tinkering with it quite a bit these days and thought it might be handy to share these explorations. Each …</p>
<p>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML. These graphics can consist of paths, shapes, and/or text that can be scaled and resized without losing image quality like a bitmap would.</p><p>While SVG has actually …</p>